To manage stress
Permission to feel.
Give yourself permission to feel your feelings, time to process them and a safe space to release the negative emotions. You may like to do this through meditation, journaling, dance, exercise, or creative projects. For some people, a Gentle or Deep Tissue Massage, or even a Sensual Erotic Massage, can provide a deep sense of tension relief, aiding in the reduction of stress.
Daily practices.
Make mindfulness and meditation, daily practices in your life. Try to do at least one thing everyday which brings joy to your life. No matter how small or how big, that one thing that you do each day for yourself, to bring more joy into your life, will be well worth it. Your body, mind and soul will thank you for doing this.
Prioritize your self-care routine by feeding your body well, caring for your spiritual needs, and getting plenty of relaxation and rest.
Natural Supplements.
Natural Supplements: Reduce stress where you can by following a good routine, setting healthy boundaries for yourself and getting extra support from high-quality, natural nutritional supplements.
Author: Vanessa Wilde